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RCMP Torture by Constable Jimmieson, Constable Cumming |
My Name is Paul, I am a law abiding senior citizen. I live by the RULES every day, It seems no-one in authority does anymore. |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Violent Hate Crime and Torture - Packed Full of Canadian RCMP Police Illusions and RCMP Lies. Canadian RCMP NAZI Torture and Nazi Gestapo Gang Style Takedown of a 100% Peaceful, 100% Lawful and 100% Sober Shackled Senior Citizen. Inflicting Lifelong Permanent Injury. RCMP Fabricated Evidence used for Unlawful Search, Violent Arrest, Torture and Driving Suspension on a 100% Sober, peaceful and innocent senior citizen. Constable CummingandConstable Jimmiesoncommitted these acts despicably, maliciously and oppressively, with the wrongful intention of injuring me. An improper and evil motive amounting to malice and in conscious disregard toward my rights as a Kelowna Senior Citizen peacefully eating in the shade of Superstore.FABRICATED RCMP Police Reporting.
RCMP have NOT withdrawn nor apologized. RCMP are liars not to be trusted by anyone.
TWO Cowardly Kelowna RCMP RETARDED LIARS!RCMP Constable JimmiesonMentally Unstable Retard RCMP LIAR Royal Canadian Mounted PoliceBadge Number HRMIS: 328877 Regimental: 66986 1190 Richter Street, Kelowna, B.C. V1Y 2K7 (250) 762-3300 RCMP Constable Cumming Mentally Unstable LIAR RCMP Retard Royal Canadian Mounted PoliceBadge Number HRMIS: 257792 Regimental: 65188 1190 Richter Street, Kelowna, B.C. V1Y 2K7 (250) 762-3300 -------------------------- DIRTY RCMP SUPERVISORS LISTBastard RCMP PIGS!Bastard #1. Brian Sauve - President Canadian National Police Federation 150 METCALFE STREET, SUITE 2201 OTTAWA ON K2P 1P1 Bastard #2. Staff Sergeant Greg Dickie Royal Canadian Mounted Police 1190 Richter Street, Kelowna, B.C. V1Y 2K7 (250) 762-3300 Bastard #3. Inspector Adam Macintosh Royal Canadian Mounted Police 1190 Richter Street, Kelowna, B.C. V1Y 2K7 (250) 762-3300 ![]()
A RCMPpolice officerseeing things... or thinks they are seeing things that are not real, is a great danger to society as a whole. The strength of theofficer's mental ability must be put under scrutiny before innocent people are injured. Being handcuffed by the Canadian Gestapo is the most dangerous for any peaceful, ordinary person, since this provides them permission to torture you however they choose. If you decide to rely on the "Shameful good will image" of the "Canadian Gestapo Vultures" which is being self promoted and presented by Media and Government, be careful, they grab you fast. Like me, the Gestapo RCMP can take you down with intent to injure.. does not matter that you are respectful, peaceful, sober, law abiding. They will get you with their lies and you will never be the same again. Quite frankly the entire RCMP is very.. very.. extremely corrupt. A top down approach in criminalizing the lawful. RCMP supervisors use a “team effort approach” to cover the evil conduct of lower ranking “on the street” officers. They assist in the criminalizing of innocent, law abiding individuals. These guys are gang style criminal liars… “far worse than any street gang that keep to themselves.”DANGEROUS Canadian RCMP NAZI CRIMINALSdeemed to be working inside the law by the courts. Yes we all hear about the RCMP heroes that stop bank robbery, stop violent crime or solve a major crime, this accounts for a very small percentage of any good the RCMP does. The other 95% of the Nazi Gestapo efforts are taking down and criminalizing lawful Canadians. I solidly support all the RCMP efforts to remove criminals, remove gun crime and drug dealers off our streets, but not by criminalizing, assaulting and torturing lawful Canadians. Keep your vehicle windows open a crack, the doors locked and vehicle in gear with your foot on the brake when you see these criminals coming your way. Expect the same violence and lies. Do not be fooled by the UNIFORM as a symbol of trust. Instruct them to keep a 20 foot distance for your personal safety. The most peaceful situation will result in you being tortured if the RCMP decide. Be prepared to be violently beaten, traumatized, tortured and criminally assaulted.If you are a Lawyer or have a Lawyer Referral.. Please email me paul@rcmptorture.com Together let's remove RCMP NAZI CRIMINALS and their CROOKED Supervisors off our streets and "Make Canada Safe Again For Everybody!" This gang style organization has lost all Canadian moral value and credibility.. let's defund the Royal Canadian Gestapo so they focus on real crime before any more peaceful Canadians gets seriously injured like me or potentially shot with RCMP fake evidence. ![]() Violent Gestapo RCMP Liar Retards Trusted By The Government APPOINTED Courts ![]() |
What is the difference? Tortured by two Islamic Syrian terrorists within another country .. or tortured by the Violent Canadian RCMP Gestapo?
Constable Cummingmade allegations of dime bag possession for the purposes of trafficking that included driving license suspensions, none of it true. I had a license suspension while being 100% sober. Kelowna RCMPConstable Jimmiesonand Kelowna RCMP Police Constable Cumming cannot be trusted if they approach you. Peaceful Dinner Interrupted by Extremely Violent Drug Bust RCMP Assault and RCMP Torture Over the last few summer months I purchased food almost daily at the Kelowna Superstore and due to hot weather parked at the back of the store to eat in the shade. After months of eating peacefully at the same location, Kelowna Constable Jimmieson and Kelowna PoliceOfficerConstable Cummingattended in two separate Canadian RCMP Police vehicles. CanadianPolice OfficerConstable Jimmieson was first to approach me, He told me that "They received a complaint from Kelowna Superstore asking me to move my vehicle". He would not answer any of my questions. Kelowna RCMP Police Officers relentless need for a Drug Bust KelownaOfficerRCMP PoliceConstable Jimmiesonand Kelowna RCMP PoliceConstable Cumminghad this relentless need for a drug bust at all cost including taking my License to drive. With only mere allegations pulled out of thin air they violently arrested, handcuffed, hit me on the head, RCMP assaulted me and RCMP tortured me in the back of a locked RCMP police vehicle. A successful violent arrest, drug bust and License Suspension of a peaceful, law abiding senior who is sober and without Dime Bags. Brutal RCMP Assault and RCMP Torture by Kelowna Police After I was handcuffed, Kelowna RCMP OfficerConstable Jimmiesondragged me backwards holding onto the cuffs until I caught up to his pace and turned around. The Police vehicle about 30 feet away. He never spoke a word the entire time. When at the RCMP Police vehicle, Kelowna RCMP Police Officer Jimmieson held the cuffs behind my back while the other police officer, Kelowna OfficerConstable Cumming, was hitting my head creating major head trauma, they remained silent the whole time during this Canadian RCMP assault on me. I don't know why, but there was a method to the head blows that twisted my head toward the shoulder causing neck injury. Blows to my head with an open hand of Kelowna PoliceConstable Cumming. Why? I was not resisting. I was seriously man handled and beaten as I was physically thrown into the back of the police vehicle. As I was being beaten these officers caused deep tissue bruising to my chest and upper body with blunt force trauma. They never said a word the entire time they assaulted me. This assault has created very serious, life changing, trauma to my neck, head and heart. I never deserved this. A few weeks later I was rushed to hospital emergency, twice in the same week, as my nose had been bleeding for weeks and now my arms were getting numb and sharp pain in my legs. I was connected to machines diagnosed with heart arrhythmia and an irregular heartbeat and placed on heart medication. These officers are criminals. ABSOLUTELY No Drug Crimes or Intoxication Committed by Senior Citizen. Kelowna Police Constable Jimmieson placed me under arrest for narcotic related allegations although I never had no Dime Bags .. nor consumed drugs. RCMP Torture - Intent To Injure, Create Serious Pain and Trauma When I was first handcuffed the handcuffs seemed okay, handcuffs were not hurting or making my wrists bleed. While I was being beaten by the officers and about 30 seconds before I was violently thrown into the back of the police vehicle is of great concern to me. A very malicious and calculated nature of the torture I was about to receive. While I was being hit on the head by Gestapo RCMP Constable Cumming .. Kelowna Gestapo Officer Constable Jimmieson was holding onto the shackles with my hands behind my back. This is when I felt the shackles tighten to the point were I never felt them tightening anymore but the feeling of Kelowna RCMP Police Officer Constable Jimmieson hand around my wrist squeezing them tighter. My right side first. I was in serious pain with my wrists bleeding. Violent Extremism and RCMP Torture of an Innocent Canadian It was 35 degrees outside at the time of the Canadian RCMP assault. I was confined into a HOT - not air conditioned police vehicle. Dogs don't get this type of RCMP Torture like I received.. I was seriously traumatized being tortured confined in a small locked space for probably 20-30 minutes with tight shackles that were making my wrists bleed. I pleaded from the locked Canadian RCMP Police vehicle to loosen the shackles. I was bleeding. The Canadian RCMP torture continued. I was in serious pain. My fingers were turning purple. Canadian RCMP torture andRCMP assaultof an INNOCENT AND PEACEFUL Canadian senior citizen who was restrained and locked up in a confined space. The Medical doctors that I spoke with, who examined my injuries, and the general population overwhelmingly support court action against these violent officers. This was an unprovoked attack on a person who was simply eating dinner in the shade. Many amazing people stepping up and offering solid character references for court. This is what I need right now. Thanks everyone. Deemed Guilty With Every Human Right Removed I never provided consent to Kelowna RCMP Police Constable Jimmieson and Kelowna RCMP Police OfficerConstable Cummingto be searching my personal property for Dime Bags, they had no reason or probable cause for any search. I had a serious invasion of my privacy, I was violated. No Dime Bags found. Anyone in contact with Kelowna RCMP Constable Terry Jimmieson or Kelowna RCMP Constable Cumming should have reason to be concerned for personal safety . Kelowna RCMP Police Constable Jimmieson has Mental Issues. I am hopeful that this website helps Kelowna Canadian RCMP Police Constable Jimmieson to seek a PSYCHIATRIC ASSESSMENT for a mental disorder that has him seeing things that do not exist. Police Constable Jimmieson may have serious mental problems that could have more law abiding seniors in our community injured by Constable Jimmieson by a violent CanadianRCMP assault. Constable Jimmieson mental assessment should analyze whether theRCMP assault, RCMP torture and his violent nature is a part of his seeing things that are not real. It may be possible Kelowna RCMP Constable Jimmieson has unstable control issues over other people that has him seeing things that are not there. Kelowna RCMP Police Constable Cumming has Mental Issues. I am hopeful that this website encourages Kelowna RCMPConstable Cummingto seek professional psychiatric help for his rather serious problems of seeing things that are not real. Constable Cumming inability to correctly rationalize can place innocent life seriously at risk. RCMP Constable Cumming potentially serious mental disorder may prevent him from seeing what is real which may give rise to his violent nature,RCMP assaultand RCMP torture of law abiding seniors within our community. Law Abiding Senior with Absolutely No Prior Drug Offences I never in my life had been arrested before, never assaulted by the RCMP before, it was a brutal experience. I am out of pocket for costs and have sustained long term injury from the CanadianRCMP assaultand RCMP torture. I had a total invasion of my privacy. Although I was not driving at the time, my driver's licence was taken away with a drug related report sent to the Government operated Insurance. RCMP Gestapo Violent NAZI Extremism and RCMP Torture. There was absolutely no reasonable nor probable cause for these renegade Gestapo Kelowna RCMP Constable Jimmieson andConstable Cummingto suspect anything other than me parked in the shade peacefully eating. Because this is exactly what I was doing. The garbage at my feet was alleged Dime Bags, no reason for suspicion.. no probable cause to grab me, These RCMP Officers are the criminals and not me. They made a drug criminal completely from thin air with fabricated evidence of their own making. Kelowna RCMP Refusal to Provide Police Report The Disclosure Department of the Kelowna Canadian RCMP Police have refused to provide me a copy of the police file, someone outside the RCMP torture has told me these officers will lie and never tell the truth regarding this assault and will claim that it was my fault, or that I resisted arrest. Apparently this claim has been used successfully many times within the courts for crooked Canadian RCMP Police to avoid prosecution. Request for Body Camera of RCMP Assault I video recorded as much as I could. But naturally dropped my phone and could not video the CanadianRCMP assaultby KelownaConstable Jimmiesonand Kelowna RCMP PoliceConstable Cummingbut kept asking Constable Jimmieson and Kelowna RCMP PoliceConstable Cummingif they had body camera. It would have been quite impossible for me to hold the camera and record the assault while being hit on the head byConstable Cummingwith my hands shackled and held behind me. I continue to have hope for RCMP vehicles dash camera and the RCMP obtained store surveillance video. RCMP dash camera since they allege criminal activity, every RCMP is equipped with dash camera. I called the store the manager he told me he would not provide me with video evidence of the assault, that he would provide it to the RCMP. As time passes the availability of this evidence becomes more unlikely. Doesn't the RCMP LOOK FOR VIDEO EVIDENCE OF AN ASSAULT WHEN IT HAPPENS? RCMP most likely will REFUSE video they have, or should have had. These guys are liars. ROYAL CANADIAN GESTAPO VULTURES use GIMMICKS, TRICKS and LIES. It is impossible for Royal Canadian Nazi Gestapo LIARS, including Constable Jimmieson and Constable Cumming, to claim both being at arms length key witnesses for the police and be fake accusers at the same time. These violent accusers needed a court issued search warrant to be searching my personal property, independent laboratory drug testing for their alleged drug intoxication, laboratory results proving their alleged dime bags and real at the scene video of ALL RCMP Lies, Tricks and Gimmicks. The RCMP Liars had been hoping their imagined drug intoxication gimmick would have worked for them .. providing them with a much needed fake acceptable reason for the illegal vehicle search for imagined dime bags and the violent aggravated assault and torture against me. Sadly for them all of the RCMP imagined gimmicks, lies and tricks have failed. No imagined dime bags were found. I have Hospital Laboratory results proving I was 100% sober when they violently arrested, tortured and detained me against my will. The RCMP are criminal liars that claim to see things not there, they must not be trusted by anyone. Crazy Retarded Gestapo Vultures permanently injuring me for their excuse of gimmicks and tricks.. absolutely no reason. Do not trust these rimless criminals. GUILTY in the eyes of RCMP and Government of Canada until PROVEN INNOCENT. GESTAPO RCMP Supervisors hire the best lawyers that the Canadian Government provides in order to defend their officers Gimmicks, Tricks and Lies. While the innocent person struggles. The Gestapo RCMP VULTURE SUPERVISORS have no intention of finding the truth and settling this case or any other similar case, choosing to rely solely on the lies of their officers. "WORM SWEAT" is what they are. I am deemed GUILTY of drug offences that I did not commit. Does not seem right. Supervisor Supported Fabricated Police Reporting. Dirty Supervisors seem to easily accept fabricated police reporting. Supervisors tend to provide support and fake credibility for the lower ranking officers. There is no credibility from a LAWLESS GROUP of RCMP LIARS. Among other criminal allegations contained within his cease and desist letter, Dirty Brian Suave President of the Canadian Police Federation, seems to suggest crimes have been committed by me. One of these crimes is ALLEGEDLY contrary to the Canadian Health Act, for breaking my prostate tablets and taking only part of this medication daily. Dirty Supervisor Brian Suave has the wrong guy. He needs to prosecute the doctor, I was only following instructions for my prostate medicine. Hopefully the RCMP LIARS will provide the lab tests proving prostate medicine. Absolute no respect shown towards me or my privacy during the unlawful search of my personal stuff. These guys are bottom of the barrel RETARDS. A No Sucker ZONE! Canadians see plenty of smiley RCMP Facebook, Twitter X images and self promoted Community RCMP images, don’t be suckered by these images, the RCMP are criminal liars that can criminalize and hurt you with a life long constructed police record, as easily as me, if they decide. Don’t trust RCMP criminals hiding behind the pure evil smiley masks. It is all a show to fool people. Dirty supervisor Staff Sergeant Greg Dickie and Dirty Supervisor Inspector Adam Macintosh have failed to demand these unstable officers retract their Fabricated RCMP police reporting and FAKE drug related driving suspension. Kelowna RCMP supervisors are blind eye liars, deviating from the truth. Supervisors not looking for truth, become liars by default. Dirty Supervisors effectively obstruct justice. Be extra careful with Brian Suave President of The Canadian Police Federation, Staff Sergeant Greg Dickie and Inspector Adam Macintosh. They have done nothing to obtain the truth. Dirty Supervisors need to be investigated and removed for using the blind eye approach that makes fabricated police reporting acceptable. When RCMP Supervisors are NOT held accountable, then all officers with less rank will not be. These guys are ALL liars. RCMP Supervisors Fear of Consequences For Lying: When someone is caught lying, like RCMP Constable Cumming and RCMP Constable Jimmieson, they often have a fear of facing consequences when the truth comes to light as in my case. Getting caught can trigger a fear of punishment, fear of embarrassment, or fear of damage to their reputation, leading to a defensive or angry reaction. Both Constable Jimmieson and Constable Cumming are RCMP liars that are supported by RCMP Supervisors and the Government of Canada. A complete retraction of this RCMP lie is demanded by me. Kelowna Senior Following the Rules Violently Taken into Custody Without Resisting I disputed all Kelowna RCMP Police allegations immediately at the scene and later to the insurance company. I requested a blood sample for testing and urine testing to prove I was sober and was refused by Kelowna RCMP Constable Terry Jimmieson and Kelowna RCMP Constable Cumming. Didn't they also want the truth? After an Appeal to Insurance, they would not remove this drug conviction off my record although I included a copy of the Hospital Laboratory testing for drugs and alcohol proving I was 100% sober at the time of my beating by the officers. I am totally scared as FUTURE RCMP WILL BELIEVE that I am a convicted drug criminal. Events Prior to Kelowna RCMP Assault, RCMP Torture Earlier I spoke to the manager of SuperStore who said he would call the security company and let them know I am only eating in the shade. I have shared a recorded audio on this website of a very respectful conversation with the manager of Superstore just 15-20 minutes prior to the CanadianRCMP assault. Canadian rcmp-grc.gc.ca RCMP Police Says Shut Up.. or Get Towed While the Kelowna Canadian RCMP Police were getting ready to leave I told the officers "you guys are in big trouble, I am going to the hospital emergency and will have drug test done" they told me to "shut up or they would have my vehicle towed" which only added to my distress. What is wrong with these guys? I shut up totally from this point as I did not want my vehicle towed... I asked them to call an ambulance... which Constable Cumming refused. Out of Pocket Expenses to Prove Innocence I appealed and paid for a driving record review of my suspension within the required 7 days. My appeal FAILED to overturn the police officers outrageous and FAKE roadside DRUG CRIMINAL convictions against me. I became a verified drug criminal in the eyes of the government at this time, never in my life before this. Based upon my limited understanding of drug crimes, even when overturned this drug conviction remains on my file as a previous un convicted drug offence. I will still be subject to future violent police takedowns. Future Violent Drug Arrests Based Upon Untruthful Drug Convictions. It is traumatizing to have become a drug criminal when I do not consume drugs. What will the next Mentally Retarded Gestapo RCMP officer think when scanning my drivers license and seeing drug roadside convictions? This undoubtedly will result in more violent Gestapo takedowns and allegations. Canada is following a Hitler Gestapo style of government policing. |
Official Royal Canadian Mounted Police RCMP website. Royal Canadian Mounted Police RCMP Official Site click here |
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It is a very dangerous RCMP officer who fails to recognize he has done wrong. An officer not to be trusted by anyone. email: info@rcmptorture.com ![]() |