RCMP Assault and Torture by Constable Jimmieson and Constable Cumming
Heavily Armed RCMP and Military With Automatic Weapons Invoking Martial Law on Behalf of The Democracy of Canada Against UNARMED Peaceful Women, Men and Children Protesting For Freedom. Freedom Convoy 2022.

Kelowna Superstore Food Receipts

My Name is Paul, I am a law abiding senior citizen. I live by the RULES every day, It seems no-one in authority does anymore.
Kelowna Superstore Food Receipts I am presenting the purchase receipts of the food that I purchased at

Kelowna SuperStore

before the violent assault by Constable Jimmieson and Constable Cumming. This was intended to be a peaceful meal and then the Retards

Constable Jimmieson and Constable Cumming

violently assaulted and tortured me.
Read about the dangers of eating peacefully at Kelowna Superstore and the violent

RCMP Assault by Constable Jimmieson and Constable Cumming.

The Royal Mounted Canadian Gestapo Vultures have no evidence of any wrong doing.. ONLY CONSTRUCTED RCMP ALLEGATIONS.

Kelowna Superstore Food Receipts

RCMP Torture of Canada
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It is a very dangerous RCMP officer who fails to recognize he has done wrong.
An officer not to be trusted by anyone.
email: info@rcmptorture.com
All Lawyer referrals Gratefully Accepted.