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Royal Canadian Mounted Police Violent Hate Crime |
My Name is Paul, I am a law abiding senior citizen. I live by the RULES every day, It seems no-one in authority does anymore. |
A Royal Canadian Mounted Police RCMP Hate Crime.There was a majorNazi Gestapo style Canadian hate crimecommitted towards me during this violent arrest. The problem for the RCMP .. I was 100% sober and remember everything during thisviolent hate crime and beating that I received.When I was first shackled the handcuffs seemed okay, the shackles were not hurting me at the beginning or making my wrists bleed. While I was beingbeaten by the officersand about 30 seconds before I was violently thrown into the back of the police vehicle is of great concern to me. A very malicious and calculated nature of the torture I was about to receive. This was no mistake. While I was being hit on the head by Gestapo RCMP Constable Cumming .. Kelowna RCMP Gestapo Vulture Constable Jimmieson was holding onto the shackles with my hands behind my back. Unable to move or run away. This is when I felt the handcuffs tighten to the point were I never felt the handcuffs tightening anymore but the feeling of Kelowna RCMP Police Officer Constable Jimmieson hand around my wrist squeezing them tighter. My right side first. I was in serious pain. This was a totally calculated and malicious act of hate and torture. NOT any mistake by Kelowna Officer Constable Jimmieson since the handcuffs did not give me pain before this. I never deserved any of this.RCMP Constable Cumming kept hitting me on the head in the Beating that I received. Did he want me to fall down?I have dark skin maybe they thought I was a First Nations Man since many people say that I look like a First Nations Man. I am proud of this. RCMP thought they could torture and create head trauma then blame me for the torture because they would claim that I was intoxicated or resisted and no one would believe me. But I was completely sober and remember every detail of the assault and torture very clearly.WHY assault me so badly? |
Keep your vehicle windows open a crack, the doors locked and vehicle in gear with your foot on the brake when you see these criminals coming your way. Expect the same violence and lies. Do not be fooled by the UNIFORM as a symbol of trust. Instruct them to keep a 20 foot distance for your personal safety. The most peaceful situation will result in you being tortured if the RCMP decide. Be prepared to be violently beaten, traumatized, tortured and assaulted. |
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It is a very dangerous RCMP officer who fails to recognize he has done wrong. An officer not to be trusted by anyone. email: info@rcmptorture.com ![]() |