RCMP Assault and Torture by Constable Jimmieson and Constable Cumming
Heavily Armed RCMP and Military With Automatic Weapons Invoking Martial Law on Behalf of The Democracy of Canada Against UNARMED Peaceful Women, Men and Children Protesting For Freedom. Freedom Convoy 2022.

RCMP Fabricated Police Reporting - Unrelenting Allegations

My Name is Paul, I am a law abiding senior citizen. I live by the RULES every day, It seems no-one in authority does anymore.
Potential RCMP Allegations added to the shit load already. 1. RCMP Constable Jimmieson alleges that he seen me flying around like a bird. Sadly for him that would not be me on drugs. 2. RCMP Constable Cumming alleges that he found a new style of drug that came from the planet MARS. He alleges this drug from the planet MARS is making its way through Canada. And he is the first in Canada to have discovered it on me. Testing is not yet available. 3. Both Kelowna RCMP officers allege that my B.C. Supreme Court action is the result of being high on drugs and that I deserve more NAZI Gestapo style RCMP torture and violent arrests to get things straight. 4. Constable Jimmieson alleges he found a cheese knife in my vehicle. Constable Jimmieson tells the judge that this has created a very cheesy problem for him and requires more time to examine the type of cheese before charges are laid. He tells the court that he eats cheese all the time and thinks it is gouda. 5. Constable Cumming alleges he smelled the odor of recently eaten Dime Bags, how can that be true? 6. Constable Cumming alleges that he found fragments of prostate medicine tablets broken into small 25% pieces. He alleges this contravenes the Canada Health Act to break prostate medicine and take only 25% of a tablet daily. Constable Cumming tells the court that charges are still pending against the doctor and me regarding the taking of only part of my prostate medicine. 7. Constable Jimmieson alleges that he found empty prostate medicine containers without any labels and alleges that taking personal information labels from prescription bottles before discarding the empty into the garbage is violation of Canadian law and illegal in Canada. The RCMP lawyer recommends two years in jail. 8. Constable Jimmieson tells the court that he has great power over peaceful, innocent, law abiding seniors living in Kelowna .. all powers given to him by GOD and nothing can change that. 9. Constable Jimmieson alleges he seen me eating 50 Dime Bag plastic wrappers with only a bit of salt, mustard and pepper. A bottle of Ketchup was found by RCMP Constable Cumming during the search of my vehicle. The Ketchup has been sent to the RCMP Crime lab by Constable Cumming in order to determine if it is Heinz or a cheaper dollar store brand. 10. Constable Jimmieson asks the judge to ignore his fabricated evidence of Dime Bags as a reason for the violent arrest and search of my vehicle. He tells the court that he still thinks there are Dime Bags somewhere in Kelowna and he will find them. He asks the court if he can present cheese wrappers found in the vehicle instead of proof of Dime Bags. 11. The few dollars in my wallet are alleged by Constable Jimmieson to be proceeds of drug crimes. Okay .. I had $5.00 in my wallet at the time. They never checked for drug residue. 12. RCMP Constable Jimmieson alleges the $5.00 he FOUND in my wallet was intended to purchase 50 dime bags at a dime each. This is his reason for an arrest for trafficking narcotics. He alleges that I could buy 50 dime bags with my $5.00. 13. Like a bag full of Door Knobs, RCMP Constable Jimmieson tells the court that he is “Smarter than MOST Fence Posts but not all of them” when it comes down to “Sniffing out Drugs” . He tells the Court about learning new torture technique that he intends to use on unsuspecting, peaceful, law abiding seniors. Crazy Retard! 14. RCMP Constable Jimmieson tells the Judge that from his vast experience of NOT knowing what the hell he is doing, he is completely unsure why he was hired by the RCMP. He tells the Court my wrists HAD BEEN slippery and that he was following established RCMP protocol as it relates to having my wrists bleed from tight shackles. 15. Constable Jimmieson tells the court he will be throwing loads of “fabricated shit evidence shit” onto the court room wall in hopes that some of his “Shit” sticks. His lawyer objects and asks the court to ignore Constable Jimmieson.
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It is a very dangerous RCMP officer who fails to recognize he has done wrong.
An officer not to be trusted by anyone.
email: info@rcmptorture.com
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