RCMP Assault and Torture by Constable Jimmieson and Constable Cumming
Heavily Armed RCMP and Military With Automatic Weapons Invoking Martial Law on Behalf of The Democracy of Canada Against UNARMED Peaceful Women, Men and Children Protesting For Freedom. Freedom Convoy 2022.

RCMP Torture | Unlawful Driving While Intoxicated on Drugs

My Name is Paul, I am a law abiding senior citizen. I live by the RULES every day, It seems no-one in authority does anymore.
Liar Constable Cumming and Liar Constable Jimmieson Illegal Violent Arrest and Torture I was 100% sober and deemed intoxicated while driving on drugs by Retard Liar Constable Jimmieson and Retard Liar Constable Cumming. I requested Laboratory testing to prove I was sober which the RCMP refused to provide me. I could not believe how easily these officers can compile untrue allegations. These Liar Officers Constable Jimmieson and Constable Cumming suspended my ability to drive and took my license away as I was peacefully and lawfully eating in the shade of Superstore. I absolutely was 100% sober and without the alleged Dime Bags imagined by these violent officers. These RCMP violent liars constructed allegations about intoxication and seeing imaginary Dime Bags in my vehicle. It is all a lie. There were no Dime Bags or drugs in my vehicle. A License suspension constructed from thin air. A roadside criminal Drug Conviction from thin air. Both Liar Constable Cumming and Liar Constable Jimmieson Should not be trusted by anyone including the Courts. These violent RCMP Constables constructed the entire arrest. ROYAL CANADIAN GESTAPO VULTURES use GIMMICKS, TRICKS and LIES. It is impossible for Royal Canadian Nazi Gestapo LIARS, including Constable Jimmieson and Constable Cumming, to claim both being at arms length key witnesses for the police and be fake accusers at the same time. These violent accusers needed a court issued search warrant to be searching my personal property, independent laboratory drug testing for their alleged drug intoxication, laboratory results proving their alleged dime bags and real at the scene video of ALL RCMP Lies, Tricks and Gimmicks. The RCMP Liars had been hoping their imagined drug intoxication gimmick would have worked for them .. providing them with a much needed fake acceptable reason for the illegal vehicle search for imagined dime bags and the violent aggravated RCMP assault and

RCMP torture

against me. Sadly for them all of the RCMP imagined gimmicks, lies and tricks have failed. No imagined dime bags were found. I have Hospital Laboratory results proving I was 100% sober when they violently arrested, tortured and detained me against my will. The RCMP are criminal liars that claim to see things not there, they must not be trusted by anyone. Crazy Retarded Gestapo Vultures permanently injuring me for their excuse of gimmicks and tricks.. absolutely no reason. Do not trust these rimless criminals.
GUILTY in the eyes of RCMP and Government of Canada until PROVEN INNOCENT. GESTAPO RCMP Supervisors hire the best lawyers that the Canadian Government provides in order to defend their officers Gimmicks, Tricks and Lies. While the innocent person struggles. The Gestapo RCMP VULTURE SUPERVISORS have no intention of finding the truth and settling this case or any other similar case, choosing to rely solely on the lies of their officers. "WORM SWEAT" is what they are. I am deemed GUILTY of drug offences that I did not commit. Does not seem right. Supervisor Supported Fabricated Police Reporting. Dirty Supervisors seem to easily accept fabricated police reporting. Supervisors tend to provide support and fake credibility for the lower ranking officers. There is no credibility from a LAWLESS GROUP of RCMP LIARS. Among other criminal allegations contained within his cease and desist letter, Dirty Brian Suave President of the Canadian Police Federation, seems to suggest crimes have been committed by me. One of these crimes is ALLEGEDLY contrary to the Canadian Health Act, for breaking my prostate tablets and taking only part of this medication daily. Dirty Supervisor Brian Suave has the wrong guy. He needs to prosecute the doctor, I was only following instructions for my prostate medicine. Hopefully the RCMP LIARS will provide the lab tests proving prostate medicine. Absolute no respect shown towards me or my privacy during the unlawful search of my personal stuff. These guys are bottom of the barrel RETARDS. A No Sucker ZONE! Canadians see plenty of smiley RCMP Facebook, Twitter X images and self promoted Community RCMP images, don’t be suckered by these images, the RCMP are criminal liars that can criminalize and hurt you with a life long constructed police record, as easily as me, if they decide. Don’t trust RCMP criminals behind the pure evil smiley masks. Dirty supervisor Staff Sergeant Greg Dickie and Dirty Supervisor Inspector Adam Macintosh have failed to demand these unstable officers retract their Fabricated RCMP police reporting and FAKE drug related driving suspension. Kelowna RCMP supervisors are blind eye liars, deviating from the truth. Supervisors not looking for truth, become liars by default. Dirty Supervisors effectively obstruct justice. Be extra careful with Brian Suave President of The Canadian Police Federation, Staff Sergeant Greg Dickie and Inspector Adam Macintosh. They have done nothing to obtain the truth. Dirty Supervisors need to be investigated and removed for using the blind eye approach that makes fabricated police reporting acceptable. When RCMP Supervisors are NOT held accountable, then all officers with less rank will not be. These guys are ALL liars.

RCMP Torture of Canada
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It is a very dangerous RCMP officer who fails to recognize he has done wrong.
An officer not to be trusted by anyone.
email: info@rcmptorture.com
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